Vypadá to, že včerejší pokus vypudit bacila saunou, se vydařil. Dneska se cítím asi tak o 100% líp a už konečně nemám hlavu jak meloun a neslyším se zevnitř jak v tunelu. Asi ta sauna fakt pomohla, plus teda taky jeden panák becherovky :) A nebo taky můj drink, který jsem právě vynalezla, vyrobila, vyfotila a hodně rychle vypila.
Stačí rozmixovat ovesné mléko (neboli havredryck, ve finštině kaurajuoma - doporučuju vyzkoušet!), hrst mražených borůvek, dvě kiwi, půl banánu a lžíci chia semínek (taky doporučuju, jeslti neznáte). Výsledek je fakt vynikající, osvěžující a určitě i docela zdravý.
Přeju pěkný víkend!
I just found out how to do a really delicious smoothie out of oat milk, frozen blueberries, two kiwis, half of banana and teablespoon of chia seeds (if you don't know chisa seeds, you should know them. Same for the oat milk :)! The drink is refreshing, delicious and I suppose quite healthy too. Hope to get some energy now to start working on all the school stuff that I have to do.
Apart from drinking smoothies, I have been quite sick recently. Really bad cold for the whole week and infection in my growing wisdom tooth the week before. Then yesterday I started to be scared because I felt really stuck and painful in my face. So I did an experiment and instead of going to the doctor I went to sauna and had one shot of Becherovka (a Czech herbal liquer)...tadaaa I woke up today with no cold, no pain and relatively lot of energy. Amazing!
Hope you have a really nice weekend everyone. Here in Helsinki it starts to look dangerously autumny.
Stačí rozmixovat ovesné mléko (neboli havredryck, ve finštině kaurajuoma - doporučuju vyzkoušet!), hrst mražených borůvek, dvě kiwi, půl banánu a lžíci chia semínek (taky doporučuju, jeslti neznáte). Výsledek je fakt vynikající, osvěžující a určitě i docela zdravý.
Přeju pěkný víkend!
I just found out how to do a really delicious smoothie out of oat milk, frozen blueberries, two kiwis, half of banana and teablespoon of chia seeds (if you don't know chisa seeds, you should know them. Same for the oat milk :)! The drink is refreshing, delicious and I suppose quite healthy too. Hope to get some energy now to start working on all the school stuff that I have to do.
Apart from drinking smoothies, I have been quite sick recently. Really bad cold for the whole week and infection in my growing wisdom tooth the week before. Then yesterday I started to be scared because I felt really stuck and painful in my face. So I did an experiment and instead of going to the doctor I went to sauna and had one shot of Becherovka (a Czech herbal liquer)...tadaaa I woke up today with no cold, no pain and relatively lot of energy. Amazing!
Hope you have a really nice weekend everyone. Here in Helsinki it starts to look dangerously autumny.
Ahoj, ty jo tvůj blog je parádní a tvůj život musí být ještě lepší. Žít v Helsinkách musí být dokonalé!
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